My weight: 52.0kg
Baby's weight: 774g
This is the first visit since we signed the package with Dr. Yvonne. Dr. measured baby's waistline and the bone length of his feet. His weight is estimated to be 774g, way exceeded the supposed 600g. Gosh...
I am not spared from the glucose test.. will have to fast from 12am to 8.30am for the first blood draw, to 2 more in an hour interval. How am I going to do it next month, I am not sure.
I asked if I could still travel, Dr. says yes, and give clearance till 20th Oct. Yippie! I can go to Wuxi one more time. And Dr. says, the last trip.
Baby's movement is a little haywired since the frequent traveling, I can no longer tell what time he is most active. Most of the times, hubby and I have time to really talk to him when we are lying in the bed. Hubby will call out "zai zai...." when he rubs lotion on my tummy. And feels his movement.
And that's the first thing he does every morning! I am now at the second place! He doesn't ask if I slept well first now, he asks, how is zai zai.. then ask how did I sleep. Could be worse if our baby is a gal, I guess. :-p
Baby's weight: 774g
This is the first visit since we signed the package with Dr. Yvonne. Dr. measured baby's waistline and the bone length of his feet. His weight is estimated to be 774g, way exceeded the supposed 600g. Gosh...
I am not spared from the glucose test.. will have to fast from 12am to 8.30am for the first blood draw, to 2 more in an hour interval. How am I going to do it next month, I am not sure.
I asked if I could still travel, Dr. says yes, and give clearance till 20th Oct. Yippie! I can go to Wuxi one more time. And Dr. says, the last trip.
Baby's movement is a little haywired since the frequent traveling, I can no longer tell what time he is most active. Most of the times, hubby and I have time to really talk to him when we are lying in the bed. Hubby will call out "zai zai...." when he rubs lotion on my tummy. And feels his movement.
And that's the first thing he does every morning! I am now at the second place! He doesn't ask if I slept well first now, he asks, how is zai zai.. then ask how did I sleep. Could be worse if our baby is a gal, I guess. :-p
Cot was delivered, and it occupied the room like a giant. I can hardly do yoga in the room without touching either the wardrobe or the cot. :-(
We borrowed a few books for names choosing, but we didn't get the hang of it. I still like Isaac. :-D But hubby says we'll adopt the balloting system. Let's see when this procastinator will come out with some names.
We have also went to a few supermarket to jot down prices for diapers. Duhz.. it's not tough to buy stuffs from one shop, but it'll definitely make more economical sense to shop around for the best deal? :-D
1 lil' thoughts:
Hi for the glucose test. Did they loan u a pickle or did theu give u a new one?
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